Autoimmune Disease Treatment in Fort Myers
What is Autoimmune Disease?
There are more than 80 autoimmune diseases that are currently known to the medical research. While all autoimmune diseases are different (and lead to different symptoms, pains, and frustrations), they all have something in common.
Autoimmune Disease is when your immune system believes that part of your body is a foreign entity and attacks itself. Your immune system’s job is to keep away foreign invaders that can negatively impact your health. That’s its job.
But, sometimes your immune system can be too diligent in warding off invaders. There are instances where your immune system will believe that your colon is a foreign entity and attack it – leading to inflammation, pain, and serious symptoms (this is the case with an autoimmune disease called Ulcerative Colitis). Or, it might believe that your joints are foreign and attack those (this is the case with an autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis).