Chiropractor in Fort Myers
Dr. Carine Chery has been practicing chiropractic in the Lee County area for over 25 years. Dr. Carine Chery is married and has two children. Her children played multiple sports in grades school and high school and regularly received chiropractic care to help with the healing and promote a speedy recovery from playing sports. Dr. Chery has been ingrained in the community since arriving in Florida in 1998. She has coached The Little Dribblers basketball league at the YMCA with her husband.
· Doctor of Chiropractic | April, 1997 – Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
· B.A. Pre-Physical Therapy | June, 1992 – San Francisco State University
Give Chery Chiropractic Center a call today and let me help you on your journey to health and wellness.